Internet stuff since 2003
OpenStreetMap Downloads


Userbeam (short name "usbm") is the name of an internet project from germany that offered several services in the past. It all started in 2003 with an URL-Shortener and later on it expanded to a freemail, remailer and proxy service. Mirror sites were also added to host and support some open source software. But time has changed and all these stuff were shut down a long time ago. Over the years nothing really happened here... Until now!

I came up to OpenStreetMap through my hobby Geocaching. I really like to edit and extend the OSM database after some caching tours and be part of such a great community. Of course for this i use a GPS device and i decided to render my own OSM map with an adjusted look and feel that fits my personal needs. First this was only done just for me and some friends, but later on i thought it would be a good idea to offer those maps for everyone.

Since 2018 this service is up again and offers free OSM downloadable, weekly updated maps for Garmin GPS devices with a map style rich in detail and contrast. That´s the whole story in short. :)

When you need a special country that is not already on the page, or have other suggestions, do not hestate to contact me. Feel free to link and recommend this page. Thank you for your support. Have a nice time.


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